Are you lost in the noise?
Jan 27, 2024Are you lost in the noise?
If you are like me, your life is busy. We work, take care of our families, go to church, take care of the house, all these things that make up our daily life. They are good things but sometimes we can get lost in the busyness of life and forget to take care of ourselves.
I started thinking about this recently and realized that we get addicted to the busyness and the noise of life. If we are in the car we have the radio on. If we are in the house the TV is on or we are on the computer or phone. I think sometimes we use these things to distract ourselves so that we don't have to think or reflect and spend time with ourselves.
Thales said, "The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself." It's difficult but not impossible and there are a few things that you can do to begin to know yourself and discover what you were put on this earth to do.
Know God- The first step to knowing yourself is to know God. He knows you better than anyone and as you spend time with Him in prayer and reading His Word you begin to see who it is He made you to be. Set aside time each day to spend getting to know Him more intimately. If you've not been doing this it may be hard at first and may only be a few minutes a day but as you do you will realize what you've been missing and how much better your life becomes by spending that time with God and you will want to spend more time with Him.
Spend time thinking- Most of us don't spend time thinking. As I said before, we want some kind of noise in the background all the time to drown out or thoughts so we don't have to spend time with ourselves. We don't even realize we are doing it. It's just becomes a habit. Set aside time each day to spend thinking about what you've read in your time with God or what you've read in a book. Think about your life, as it is now and how you want it to be in the future, your dreams and goals that you want to achieve. As you do this each day you will be amazed at how you start to think new thoughts and get ideas that you've never had before because you didn't allow your mind to go there because of all the distractions.
Journal- The last thing is journaling. I remember after the loss of a loved one I was told by someone that I should start journaling. That it would help me with the loss and allow me to get my feelings out and heal. At first I didn't do it but finally I began to journal and write about my feelings and what I was thinking and I was amazed at how much better this made me feel. I would have never believed it if I hadn't done it myself but it really helped me to work through my feelings and the hurt from the loss. Keep a journal with you during your times with God and yourself to write down what you are learning, feeling and thinking. I promise you won't remember if you don't write it down. There are plenty of apps out there if you prefer that to paper. I personally use Evernote and Day One. It doesn't matter what you use as long as you get in the habit of writing. I promise it will help you.
If you've been on autopilot and lost in the noise for a while, it's time to wake yourself up! Start today! Begin applying these steps to your life today. I promise you will be glad you did. The world needs you. It needs what only you can give!
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